Lililalaland Exhibition

Dikla Stern shows political-satirical pop art and insights into Jewish family history

Opening: 15th August 2024 | 6 pm
Curator’s Introduction & Artist | 7 pm
Music: Marco Böttger and Carsten Degenhardt 

Exhibition: 16th August – 22nd September 2024 
Opening hours: THU – SUN 10 am – 6 pm 
Art Association Eisenach
E-Werk, Uferstraße 34, 99817 Eisenach

The Kunstverein Eisenach e.V. invites to the opening night of the exhibition “Lililalaland” by the Berlin-based artist Dikla Stern. The exhibition has been produced in cooperation with the Kulturmanagement Wartburgkreis and the ACHAVA-Festspiele Thüringen

The artist’s works are dedicated to the deep, difficult causalities of our existence and take a sharper look at the complexity of commonplace things. With wit and irony, they address a variety of issues and themes that penetrate deep into our everyday lives and break with social taboos. They are characterized by a critical attitude towards cultural conventions, political developments and social injustices. Her works not only invite us to immerse ourselves in global events, they also form a contrasting surface that urges us to reflect on the world and our own selves within it. 

The exhibition is housed in the former power station in Eisenach and brings together current works that are in a conceptual and experimental process and deal with everyday objects. Dikla Stern’s artistic development extends first from portraits to objects, from objects to text and object-text constellations and increasingly takes form in experiential installations.

The central element is the use of text, which is often inspired by the visual appearance of the object depicted. 

More contemporary than ever, the exhibition also takes a look at Stern’s Jewish family history in the small Catholic Rhön town of Geisa. Albert Stern, the grandfather of the Geisa native who recorded the family’s fate in writing, provides insights into fleeing, deportation, emigration and the new beginning in Palestine/Israel. Letters, documents and photographs provide contemporary evidence of the political circumstances and personal memories of a Thuringian family and their lost homeland. 

The exhibition is part of the ACHAVA Festival Thuringia, alongside guided tours, artist talks and workshops. 

Fotos IG: Lililalaland

Invitation Opening – download

Remnants of a marriage, 2023 | © Dikla Stern / VG Bild-Kunst
Albert Stern, 1971, Tel Aviv | © Dikla Stern / VG Bild-Kunst

You can find more about the artist Dikla Stern at: 


Lililalaland (Detail), 2023 | © Dikla Stern / VG Bild-Kunst
Lifeguard, 2023 | © Dikla Stern / VG Bild-Kunst
Mobile (Detail), 2023 | © Dikla Stern / VG Bild-Kunst

You can find more about the artist Dikla Stern at: